RNG significantly reduces emissions from our nation’s farms, helping to protect our climate and make our air cleaner.
Over the next 10 years, Align RNG’s projects will reduce annual farm emissions in the U.S. by more than 2.5 million metric tons. That’s the same as taking more than 500,000 cars off the road or planting 40 million new trees each year!
It’s a powerful example of the environmental progress we can make through innovation and by working together with our nation’s farmers.
Align RNG will reduce greenhouse gas emissions from U.S. farms by the same amount as:
Align RNG will reduce greenhouse gas emissions from U.S. farms by the same amount as:
Planting 40 Million
New Trees

Removing 500,000
Cars from the Road

Cutting 2.5 Million
Metric Tons of CO2e